This is a declaration by Mr. Gudmundsson made after a report by the lawyer Mr. Baldur Gudlaugsson was brought to the City of Reykjavik about this case.
This is the only document the City has from anybody who was supposedly present Nov. 7th in 1968 when my grandfather was to have given this to the City of Reykjavik that this was a gift 14 years earlier.
The mayor who supposedly received this "gift" from my grandfather verbally, never signed anything, neither did my grandfather or anybody else at that time or later.
This declaration is handwritten and not signed, only with Mr. Gudmundsson's initials. No witnesses signed. This document is made more than a decade after this event was to have happend. The reason for no signature in my opinion is that Mr. Gudmundsson was afraid he could become liable.
Ingimundur Kjarval August 26. 2004.
18. sept. 1982
I was present Nov. 7th . 1982 in sightún 7, when J. Kjarval formally announced to Mr. Geir Hallgrímsson about his gift to the city of Reykjavik. I asked Geir to come, because Kjarval wished so, he had told me before, that he wanted to give works of art and other things to the city.
A. G.
March 20. 2008.
To this I can add that his son Mr. GuðmundurAlfreðsson testified at the trial in disdrict court
that he was present when my grandfather supposedly gave this to the city according to him.
This was not known before the trial and does not fit with other documention from that time. This testimoney was instrumental in the verdict that went against the family. Mr Guðmundur was then 18 years old. The jugdes did not think it an issue he is the son
of Mr. Guðmundur Alfreðsson or that this "knowlegde" came forth so late, decades later. More on this other places.